With the new year starting many of us spend some time thinking about what we could work on and changing or adapting in our lives. While there are lots of topics one can work on, why not focus on your sexual life for this year and make 2021 the year your sex life lit up.

Resolutions - keep it practical & pull thru
Resolutions and especially New Year’s resolutions are somehow tricky. We often tend to make them in moments of either despair or hope, so basically in a special mood. Therefore, really pulling thru with them often becomes hard, so that we often let them fall at some point and move on without changing anything.
At the same time, our sexual life is a topic we often leave aside, although it’s a topic we’re highly connected to at the same time. But often we do not feel comfortable enough with really facing this topic, not mention how uncomfortable we feel openly talking about it with our partners. At the same time, it is essential to not only think and be aware of our own needs and feelings but also share and openly talk about them with our counterparts - only this way can we achieve an open and foremost relaxed and confident connection which enables us to have the best sexual encounters possible. So, why not start now? Why not focus on our and our sex partners sex life this year and make the best out if - like really, not just as eventually wishful thinking.
That is why I suggest we work on some resolutions while keeping it really practical, and will only point out possible steps, that you can easily implement in your daily life and really start working on some changes. And of course, since I believe that a healthy and fun sex life makes life not only healthier but also more fun, I will focus on things regarding sex and everything around it. So, let us get to work and provide ourselves with more fun, kink, pleasure, play, fun - and sexual moments.
#1 What is it you enjoy?
For working on something that is already there, it is crucial to think about what you like about it and what not. Is there maybe something you are missing, or something you would like to try out? And what is it, that you really deeply enjoy, that drives you crazy in a blink of a moment? By knowing what you enjoy, what unfulfilled desires you might have, and where your boundaries are - even checking if your boundaries are still the same from time to time helps - it will be much easier to establish a common ground with your counterparts and utter what you are looking for. So, really take your time to find out what it is you enjoy and would like to enjoy - and please, there is no wrong or right when it comes to sex, remember.

#2 Stand your ground & share your desires
After establishing what you like and where your fishes lie, make sure to share your emotions and thoughts with your counterpart. Not only for placing your own need, but also to make sure you know what your partner’s needs and aspirations look like. While being open about what you like, what you want and do not and what and what you are wishing for and would like to maybe try out, is essential for a good, healthy, and truly fulfilling sexual interaction, it is equally important that all persons involved stand their ground, especially when it comes to boundaries. The deeper your knowledge of each other is, the easier it will be to not only respond to each other during sex but also to fulfill each other and thus increase the quality of sex and level of satisfaction you get from it.
#3 Try out something new & do not forget the toys
Here comes another resolution that on the one hand is easy to fulfil and on the other hand will for sure bring some fresh excitement. Since you - and your partner - have both established your wishes and fantasies, you each pick one thing that you set to try out this year. Even just knowing that you will be trying out something new together will bring excitement and raise some lustful tension. And then I recommend you additionally pick at least one sex toy you have not used yet and add it to your sex play. Trying out new things, no matter if it is toys or a new position, location or whatsoever is always a great way to create shared experiences and additionally brings fun to the whole thing.
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